
Catia Anyena

Terms And Conditions

Disclaimer & Waiver

All services and communication email or otherwise, delivered by Holistic Terapists as well as information on this website are meant to help you identify the areas in your life that may be standing in the way of your personal wellbeing. Reiki , energy and spiritual healings are not substitutes of medical or psychological diagnoses or treatments. None of the products advertised on this website make any claims to cure any disease and we recommend the supervision of a qualified health professional if any disease condition is present. In this context, by purchasing any services, you confirm that you have read and agreed to each statement below and that you wish to proceed:

 • I understand that the services I will be receiving are not offered as a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental health or medical conditions. I also understand that my Holistic Therapist is not acting as a mental health counsellor or a medical professional.

• I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.

• I understand that all comments and ideas offered by the Holistic Therapists are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals. I have the ability to give my informed consent, and hereby give such consent to my holistic therapist to assist me in achieving such goals and aims, however my holistic therapist is not promising certain outcomes.

• I understand that my Holistic Therapist will protect my information as confidential unless I state otherwise in writing. If I report child, elder abuse or neglect or threaten to harm myself or someone else, I understand that necessary actions will be taken and my confidentiality agreement limited in this capacity. Furthermore, if my Holistic Terapist is ordered by a court to provide information or to testify, they will do so to the extent of the law requirements.

• I understand that the use of technology is not always secure and I accept the risks of confidentiality in the use of email, text, phone, Zoom’s call and other technology.